About Lafe

Pastor, author, and speaker, Lafe Angell has been serving in ministry most of his life. He graduated from Oral Roberts University in 1993 and, following God’s call, became a full-time pastor in 2014. Lafe and his wife Hope founded Grace Point Family Church in Dallas, Texas, in 2020. They launched just seven weeks before the pandemic shutdown and God used what should have killed the church to expand and grow it. Together, Lafe and Hope lead a thriving church that operates a permanent food pantry and sends missionaries around the world. Lafe is a board member for Bring the Light Ministries, a homeless outreach in Dallas.

Lafe and Hope married in July 1995 and have three children together. They live in the Dallas area and love to see God’s kingdom advanced and to spread God’s grace and mercy wherever they go! If you want to learn more, check out www.gracepointfamilychurch.com.

If you are interested in knowing more about any of the organizations Lafe partners with or availability, please reach out to info@lafeangell.com .